Monday 23 June 2014

Episode 10: Lost in Translations

In this episode our heroes are joined by special guest Ian. Ian's special skills include crossbows, blunt weapons and Japanese translations. So the first half of the show is the normal nonsense but in the second half we delve into the meanings of the Jinteki cards. Also we learn some Japanese phrases to use while playing.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Deckslists: Super Friends

 A couple of people have asked for Eady's Super Friends deck list so here it is!

Monday 9 June 2014

Episode 9: Book Wyrm

In this episode our heroes discuss how their new decks are treating them. In the second half of the episode Eady talks about the latest Netrunner book he has read, Golem. Then they both delve into cyberpunk books they have both read and enjoyed. If you don't like books, stay clear of this one.